Bienvenue au Forum sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet en Afrique de l’Ouest 2024!
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Tuesday, July 9

08:00 UTC

Opening Ceremony of West Africa School on Internet Governance
Tuesday July 9, 2024 08:00 - 08:15 UTC
Opening remarks and Agenda of the West Africa IGF
avatar for Emmanuel Vitus

Emmanuel Vitus

Tech Policy Researcher, Coordinator of the West Africa School on Internet Governance, University of Malta
Internet Governance Expert & Digital Policy Diplomat with over 12 years’ experience working to advance Internet development, progressive internet policies and amplifying the voices of digital policymakers & diplomats in sub-Saharan Africa. Expertise: Internet Governance, digital... Read More →
Tuesday July 9, 2024 08:00 - 08:15 UTC
Room 1

08:30 UTC

Internet governance history, actors, NRIs, issues and why it matters for West Africa
Tuesday July 9, 2024 08:30 - 09:30 UTC
Internet governance refers to the collective efforts to develop and apply principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and utilization of the Internet. This session delves into the historical development of Internet governance, tracing its roots from its inception as a research initiative to becoming a critical global network influencing various aspects of life. Key milestones, such as the creation of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), will be discussed to highlight how the governance landscape has evolved over the years.

The session will also explore the roles of various actors involved in Internet governance, including international organizations like ICANN and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), national regulatory bodies, and regional organizations. It will highlight the contributions of civil society groups, advocacy organizations, and the private sector in shaping Internet policies. Particular attention will be given to National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs) in West Africa, emphasizing their successes, challenges, and the opportunities they present for local stakeholders.

The session will address prevailing issues in Internet governance, such as access and connectivity, cybersecurity, privacy, content regulation, and the digital economy. It will underscore the significance of Internet governance for social, political, and economic development in West Africa, demonstrating how effective governance can bridge the digital divide, enhance democratic participation, and spur economic growth. Through interactive discussions and stakeholder engagement, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how Internet governance can drive sustainable development in the region.
avatar for Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma

Technical Adviser on Digital Cooperation, HealthAI
Nnenna advocates for policy and systemic changes that are needed for meaningful internet access, open data, open government and the open web across Africa, bringing together local and international stakeholders to advance the digital agenda. She works to drive affordable internet... Read More →
Tuesday July 9, 2024 08:30 - 09:30 UTC
Room 1

10:00 UTC

How does the internet work?: Architecture, protocols, governance, and the transition to IPv6 in Africa
Tuesday July 9, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
This session will delve into the intricate workings of the Internet, focusing on its architecture, the development of its protocols and standards, and the pivotal institutions involved in its governance. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how data is transmitted across the Internet using packet-switching technology and the role of TCP/IP in ensuring data integrity and delivery. The session will also cover the Domain Name System (DNS), which translates human-friendly domain names into IP addresses, highlighting the foundational structure that keeps the Internet running smoothly.

A significant portion of the session will be dedicated to the organizations that develop and maintain Internet protocols and standards, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). We will explore how these bodies, along with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet Society (ISOC), contribute to the stability and security of the Internet. By understanding the roles and responsibilities of these organizations, participants will appreciate the collaborative efforts required to manage and govern the global Internet infrastructure effectively.

The session will also address the importance of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) and the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, particularly in the African context. IXPs play a crucial role in enhancing local and regional Internet performance by facilitating efficient traffic exchange between networks, thus reducing latency and improving speed. As the number of Internet users and connected devices grows, transitioning to IPv6 becomes essential due to its vastly larger address space. This transition is vital for Africa, presenting opportunities for improved Internet scalability, security, and innovation. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of these technical and governance aspects and their significance for sustainable social, political, and economic development in the West Africa region.
avatar for Yaovi Atohoun

Yaovi Atohoun

Director Stakeholder Engagement & Operations for Africa, ICANN
Yaovi Atohoun is an electrical engineer with more than 30 years’ work experience in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). He has worked for the Association of African Universities (AAU) as Senior IT Officer from 2008 to 2012. He has coordinated many activities for the... Read More →
Tuesday July 9, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
Room 1

11:00 UTC

Practicum Session I : Navigating disruptive technologies: policy challenges and stakeholder engagement in building regional frameworks
Tuesday July 9, 2024 11:00 - 13:00 UTC
This year's practicum will provide participants with a hands-on opportunity to explore the policy challenges posed by disruptive technologies and engage in stakeholder collaboration to build a multistakeholder regional policy framework addressing these technologies. The session will begin with an overview of the practicum schedule and tasks, ensuring that all participants understand the objectives and structure of the activities. This will be followed by a detailed explanation of the roles available, after which participants will have the chance to sign up for the roles that best match their interests and expertise.

Participants will then be divided into groups for break-out sessions, where they will work collaboratively on specific assignments. Each group will tackle different aspects of the policy challenges presented by disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. The goal is to foster a deep understanding of how these technologies impact society, economy, and governance in the region, and to develop comprehensive policy recommendations.

Throughout the practicum, participants will engage with various stakeholders, including government representatives, industry experts, civil society advocates, and academic researchers. This multistakeholder approach will help ensure that the policy frameworks developed are inclusive, balanced, and reflective of diverse perspectives. By the end of the practicum, participants will have gained valuable experience in policy development, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative problem-solving, equipping them with the skills needed to address the complex challenges of disruptive technologies in their professional roles.
avatar for Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma

Technical Adviser on Digital Cooperation, HealthAI
Nnenna advocates for policy and systemic changes that are needed for meaningful internet access, open data, open government and the open web across Africa, bringing together local and international stakeholders to advance the digital agenda. She works to drive affordable internet... Read More →
Tuesday July 9, 2024 11:00 - 13:00 UTC
Room 1

14:00 UTC

A Human Rights-Based Approach (HRA) to access to the Internet, digital rights and digital inclusion
Tuesday July 9, 2024 14:00 - 15:00 UTC
This session delves into the critical question of whether internet access should be considered a fundamental human right, with a particular focus on the obligations of ECOWAS member states. By examining the intersection of internet access and human rights, the session aims to highlight the essential role of the Internet in enabling individuals to exercise their rights to information, expression, and participation in society. Participants will explore the various dimensions of internet access as a human right, including the legal, social, and economic implications for countries within the ECOWAS region.

The session will also address how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policies can be drafted with a human rights perspective. This includes integrating principles from international human rights laws into the development and implementation of ICT policies to ensure they promote and protect digital rights. The relevance of international human rights laws to the global Internet will be discussed, providing a framework for understanding how these laws can guide national policies and practices. Participants will learn about best practices and strategies for aligning ICT policies with human rights standards, ensuring that digital inclusion is prioritized.

The session will emphasize the importance of collaborative efforts among stakeholders in navigating internet governance. By fostering a multistakeholder approach, the session aims to address digital inclusion comprehensively and tackle the impact of internet shutdowns, which can have severe consequences on human rights and economic activities. Through interactive discussions, participants will engage with experts and peers to identify solutions and strategies for promoting an open, inclusive, and rights-respecting internet environment in ECOWAS member states.
avatar for Adeboye Adegoke

Adeboye Adegoke

Senior Manager, Grants & Programs Strategy, Paradigm Initiative
Adeboye is a leading civil society voice in the Internet Governance space in Africa and a provenproject manager. He has background studies in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics and a MastersDegree in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa from the University of Pretoria. A legislativeengagement... Read More →
Tuesday July 9, 2024 14:00 - 15:00 UTC
Room 1

15:00 UTC

Current challenges in internet policy and regulation: content, platforms and AI
Tuesday July 9, 2024 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
This session will address the pressing challenges in internet policy and regulation, focusing on the issues of misinformation and disinformation, platform regulation, and the development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI). Participants will gain insights into the complexities and impacts of these issues on society, including how misinformation spreads, the role of platforms in content dissemination, and the ethical and regulatory concerns surrounding AI. The session will provide a comprehensive overview of these challenges, highlighting their significance and the urgent need for effective policy responses.

In exploring current trends and responses to these challenges, the session will discuss various regulatory and non-regulatory approaches being implemented globally. This includes measures taken by governments, platforms, and civil society to combat misinformation, regulate platform behavior, and ensure ethical AI practices. The discussion will cover both successes and shortcomings of these approaches, providing a balanced view of the evolving landscape of internet policy and regulation. Participants will be encouraged to critically evaluate these trends and consider their applicability to the West African context.

The session will also focus on the role of West African stakeholders in the global debate on internet policy and regulation. Emphasizing the importance of regional contributions, the session will propose ways in which stakeholders from West Africa can engage creatively and effectively in shaping global policies. By sharing unique perspectives and experiences, West African participants can help develop inclusive and contextually relevant solutions to the challenges posed by misinformation, platform regulation, and AI. The interactive discussion will foster collaboration and innovation, empowering participants to contribute meaningfully to the global discourse.
avatar for Emmanuel Vitus

Emmanuel Vitus

Tech Policy Researcher, Coordinator of the West Africa School on Internet Governance, University of Malta
Internet Governance Expert & Digital Policy Diplomat with over 12 years’ experience working to advance Internet development, progressive internet policies and amplifying the voices of digital policymakers & diplomats in sub-Saharan Africa. Expertise: Internet Governance, digital... Read More →
Tuesday July 9, 2024 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
Room 1

16:30 UTC

Practicum session II - Navigating disruptive technologies: policy challenges and stakeholder engagement in building regional frameworks
Tuesday July 9, 2024 16:30 - 18:00 UTC
This year's practicum will provide participants with a hands-on opportunity to explore the policy challenges posed by disruptive technologies and engage in stakeholder collaboration to build a multistakeholder regional policy framework addressing these technologies. The session will begin with an overview of the practicum schedule and tasks, ensuring that all participants understand the objectives and structure of the activities. This will be followed by a detailed explanation of the roles available, after which participants will have the chance to sign up for the roles that best match their interests and expertise.

Participants will then be divided into groups for break-out sessions, where they will work collaboratively on specific assignments. Each group will tackle different aspects of the policy challenges presented by disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. The goal is to foster a deep understanding of how these technologies impact society, economy, and governance in the region, and to develop comprehensive policy recommendations.

Throughout the practicum, participants will engage with various stakeholders, including government representatives, industry experts, civil society advocates, and academic researchers. This multistakeholder approach will help ensure that the policy frameworks developed are inclusive, balanced, and reflective of diverse perspectives. By the end of the practicum, participants will have gained valuable experience in policy development, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative problem-solving, equipping them with the skills needed to address the complex challenges of disruptive technologies in their professional roles.
avatar for Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma

Technical Adviser on Digital Cooperation, HealthAI
Nnenna advocates for policy and systemic changes that are needed for meaningful internet access, open data, open government and the open web across Africa, bringing together local and international stakeholders to advance the digital agenda. She works to drive affordable internet... Read More →
Tuesday July 9, 2024 16:30 - 18:00 UTC
Room 1
Wednesday, July 10

08:00 UTC

Engaging Effectively in Internet Governance: Processes, fellowships, schools, NRIs, and peer learning
Wednesday July 10, 2024 08:00 - 09:00 UTC
The rapidly evolving field of internet governance requires a continuous influx of new skills and perspectives to drive discussions and policy-making forward. This session aims to elucidate the importance of active participation in the internet governance community. Participants will learn about the various opportunities available at the national, regional, and international levels, including National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs), fellowships, and specialized schools. By understanding these opportunities, participants can see how their involvement can contribute to the development of inclusive and effective internet governance policies.

A key feature of this session will be insights from former fellows and active youth champions who have successfully navigated the internet governance landscape. These experienced individuals will share their personal journeys, highlighting how their participation in fellowships and schools has empowered them to influence internet policy and governance. Their stories will provide practical examples of how engagement in these initiatives can lead to significant professional and personal growth, as well as meaningful contributions to the global internet governance dialogue.

Through an interactive discussion, participants will have the chance to ask questions and seek advice from these experienced practitioners. The session will emphasize the importance of building a diverse and dynamic community of internet governance advocates. The goal is to inspire new participants to engage actively in the community, leveraging their unique skills and perspectives to shape the future of internet governance.
avatar for Lily Edinam Botsyoe

Lily Edinam Botsyoe

Coordinator, Ghana Youth IGF
avatar for Ben Rachad Sanoussi

Ben Rachad Sanoussi

Technical support, Digital Grassroots
avatar for Amina Ramallan

Amina Ramallan

Nigerian Communications Commission
avatar for Muriel Alapini

Muriel Alapini

Secretariat, WAIGF
avatar for Emmanuel Vitus

Emmanuel Vitus

Tech Policy Researcher, Coordinator of the West Africa School on Internet Governance, University of Malta
Internet Governance Expert & Digital Policy Diplomat with over 12 years’ experience working to advance Internet development, progressive internet policies and amplifying the voices of digital policymakers & diplomats in sub-Saharan Africa. Expertise: Internet Governance, digital... Read More →
Wednesday July 10, 2024 08:00 - 09:00 UTC
Room 1

09:00 UTC

Practicum Session III : Navigating disruptive technologies: policy challenges and stakeholder engagement in building regional frameworks
Wednesday July 10, 2024 09:00 - 11:00 UTC
This year's practicum will provide participants with a hands-on opportunity to explore the policy challenges posed by disruptive technologies and engage in stakeholder collaboration to build a multistakeholder regional policy framework addressing these technologies. The session will begin with an overview of the practicum schedule and tasks, ensuring that all participants understand the objectives and structure of the activities. This will be followed by a detailed explanation of the roles available, after which participants will have the chance to sign up for the roles that best match their interests and expertise.

Participants will then be divided into groups for break-out sessions, where they will work collaboratively on specific assignments. Each group will tackle different aspects of the policy challenges presented by disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. The goal is to foster a deep understanding of how these technologies impact society, economy, and governance in the region, and to develop comprehensive policy recommendations.

Throughout the practicum, participants will engage with various stakeholders, including government representatives, industry experts, civil society advocates, and academic researchers. This multistakeholder approach will help ensure that the policy frameworks developed are inclusive, balanced, and reflective of diverse perspectives. By the end of the practicum, participants will have gained valuable experience in policy development, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative problem-solving, equipping them with the skills needed to address the complex challenges of disruptive technologies in their professional roles.
avatar for Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma

Technical Adviser on Digital Cooperation, HealthAI
Nnenna advocates for policy and systemic changes that are needed for meaningful internet access, open data, open government and the open web across Africa, bringing together local and international stakeholders to advance the digital agenda. She works to drive affordable internet... Read More →
Wednesday July 10, 2024 09:00 - 11:00 UTC
Room 1

12:00 UTC

WAYIGF - Opening Ceremony
Wednesday July 10, 2024 12:00 - 13:15 UTC
This year's theme, Building Bridges: Enhancing Multistakeholder Cooperation for Growth and Sustainable Development, underscores the importance of inclusivity and partnership in addressing the challenges and harnessing the opportunities of the digital age. This year’s theme aligns closely with the overarching theme of disruptive technologies in the region and Artificial Intelligence. As disruptive technologies continue to reshape our economies and societies, it is essential to bridge the gaps between the relevant stakeholders, including government, private sector, civil society, and academia.
avatar for Mohamed Lemine ATHIE

Mohamed Lemine ATHIE

Coordinator, Youth IGF Mauritania
avatar for Khady ALAO FARY
avatar for Mariam Jobe

Mariam Jobe

Secretariat, WAIGF
avatar for Celine Bal

Celine Bal

Secretariat, UN Internet Governance Forum
avatar for Mary Uduma

Mary Uduma

Coordinator, WAIGF
Wednesday July 10, 2024 12:00 - 13:15 UTC
Room 1

13:30 UTC

WAYIGF - Concept of IGF & Why Youth Should Be Involved
Wednesday July 10, 2024 13:30 - 14:00 UTC
avatar for Amina Ramallan

Amina Ramallan

Nigerian Communications Commission
avatar for Khady ALAO FARY
avatar for Lily Edinam Botsyoe

Lily Edinam Botsyoe

Coordinator, Ghana Youth IGF
Wednesday July 10, 2024 13:30 - 14:00 UTC
Room 1

14:00 UTC

WAYIGF - Enhancing Multistakeholder Cooperation for Internet Governance in West Africa
Wednesday July 10, 2024 14:00 - 14:45 UTC
avatar for Emmanuel Vitus

Emmanuel Vitus

Tech Policy Researcher, Coordinator of the West Africa School on Internet Governance, University of Malta
Internet Governance Expert & Digital Policy Diplomat with over 12 years’ experience working to advance Internet development, progressive internet policies and amplifying the voices of digital policymakers & diplomats in sub-Saharan Africa. Expertise: Internet Governance, digital... Read More →
avatar for Muriel Alapini

Muriel Alapini

Secretariat, WAIGF
Wednesday July 10, 2024 14:00 - 14:45 UTC
Room 1

14:45 UTC

WAYIGF - Conversation on Online Safety with META
Wednesday July 10, 2024 14:45 - 15:30 UTC
avatar for Olivia Tchamba

Olivia Tchamba

Public Policy Manager for Francophone Africa, Meta
Bio: Olivia Tchamba is Public Policy Manager for Francophone Africa at Meta. In her role, shecontributes in engaging with policymakers and policy influencers to shape Meta’s policy agenda andco-create an innovation-enabling environment across the region. Before joining Meta, sheworked... Read More →
Wednesday July 10, 2024 14:45 - 15:30 UTC
Room 1

15:30 UTC

WAYIGF - Q&A, Audience Input and Closing Remarks
Wednesday July 10, 2024 15:30 - 16:15 UTC
avatar for Mariam Jobe

Mariam Jobe

Secretariat, WAIGF
avatar for Muriel Alapini

Muriel Alapini

Secretariat, WAIGF
Wednesday July 10, 2024 15:30 - 16:15 UTC
Room 1

19:00 UTC

Welcoming Cocktail - Paradigm Initiative
Wednesday July 10, 2024 19:00 - 21:00 UTC
Paradigm Initiative will welcome participants with a reception at Azaläi Hotel, known as the Afro-Cities Cafe. This welcoming cocktail is part of Paradigm Initiative's ongoing efforts to promote digital rights and inclusion across Africa. The event aims to create a dynamic platform for conversations, insights, and collaborative efforts to shape the future of digital policy in West Africa.

Approximately 70 attendees, including Members of Parliament and participants arriving in Dakar for the West Africa Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF), are expected to join the welcoming dinner. This gathering provides a unique opportunity for networking and exchanging ideas among key stakeholders dedicated to advancing digital governance in the region.

In addition to serving as a reception, the Afro-Cities Cafe will also mark the graduation of the West Africa School of Internet Governance fellows. This milestone celebrates the achievements of the fellows and their contributions to the digital governance landscape. The event underscores the importance of education and collaboration in driving forward the digital rights and inclusion agenda in West Africa.
avatar for Judith Ogutu

Judith Ogutu

Communications Manager, Paradigm Initiative
Judith is a strategic communications professional with experience in the corporate, public,government and non-profit sectors. She has handled communication projects in fields such asbanking, innovation and technology, digital rights and inclusion, energy, medical/health,pharmaceutical... Read More →
avatar for Emmanuel Vitus

Emmanuel Vitus

Tech Policy Researcher, Coordinator of the West Africa School on Internet Governance, University of Malta
Internet Governance Expert & Digital Policy Diplomat with over 12 years’ experience working to advance Internet development, progressive internet policies and amplifying the voices of digital policymakers & diplomats in sub-Saharan Africa. Expertise: Internet Governance, digital... Read More →
avatar for Adeboye Adegoke

Adeboye Adegoke

Senior Manager, Grants & Programs Strategy, Paradigm Initiative
Adeboye is a leading civil society voice in the Internet Governance space in Africa and a provenproject manager. He has background studies in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics and a MastersDegree in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa from the University of Pretoria. A legislativeengagement... Read More →
Wednesday July 10, 2024 19:00 - 21:00 UTC
Thursday, July 11

09:00 UTC

Agile Approaches for Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) & Incentive policies for the development of Data Centers in West Africa
Thursday July 11, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
This session will provide valuable insights into the implementation of agile approaches for Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) and the development of incentive policies for data centers in West Africa. Panelists will discuss the importance of strengthening regulatory frameworks for country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) to support the region's digital infrastructure. By enhancing these frameworks, West African countries can ensure more robust and secure management of their internet resources, ultimately fostering greater trust and reliability in their digital ecosystems.

The session will delve into the benefits of adopting agile methodologies for the development and management of IXPs. Agile approaches can significantly improve the efficiency and responsiveness of IXPs, leading to better performance and reduced latency for internet users in the region. Panelists will share best practices and case studies, highlighting successful implementations of agile techniques that have enhanced the functionality and sustainability of IXPs.

In addition to IXPs, the discussion will cover the implementation of incentive policies to promote the development of data centers in West Africa. These policies are crucial for attracting investment and fostering the growth of local data infrastructure. Panelists will explore various incentive models, such as tax breaks, subsidies, and public-private partnerships, that can stimulate the establishment of data centers. By creating a supportive environment for data center development, West African countries can enhance their digital capacity, improve data sovereignty, and drive economic growth in the digital age.
avatar for Dr. Alex Corenthin

Dr. Alex Corenthin

Gestionnaire, ccTLD .sn - NIC Sénégal
Alex Louis Gabriel Corenthin is a retired computer scientist and Associate Professor from the École Supérieure Polytechnique of UCAD. He is the manager of the .sn domain. Corenthin played a direct role in the establishment of the Internet in Senegal.
avatar for Danny Afahounko

Danny Afahounko

CEO, Cloud Inspire
Danny is a Cloud Architect and the Founder of Cloud Inspire. He has developed a 100% open-source solution to enable local data centers to offer cloud services to local businesses. His mission is to create an interconnected network of African-owned and operated data centers using the... Read More →
avatar for Khoudia GUEYE

Khoudia GUEYE

FODE Technical Infrastructure Manager FORCE-N, Université Numérique Cheikh Hamidou KANE (ex UVS)
Mrs Khoudia GUEYE is a Network and System Engineer. She holds a Masters Degree in Mathematics(Numerical Analysis) from University Gaston BERGER of Saint Louis (UGB), Senegal. She also holds aMasters Degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications from the Ecole Supérieure Multinationaledes... Read More →
avatar for Mr. Muhammed Rudman

Mr. Muhammed Rudman

Pioneer and Managing Director, Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN)
Muhammed Rudman is the pioneer Chief Executive Officer, Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN), Nigeria’s first and only neutral IXP. A veteran IT professional with over 19 years extensive experience in network design, implementation, optimization and operations. Before joining... Read More →
Thursday July 11, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
Room 1

09:00 UTC

ICANN's new gTLD program, Digital Africa, and hot topics
Thursday July 11, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
This workshop will provide an in-depth exploration of ICANN's upcoming round of the new generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) program. Participants will learn about the key objectives, processes, and timelines associated with the next round of new gTLDs, as well as the opportunities and challenges they present for stakeholders. The session aims to equip attendees with the knowledge needed to engage effectively in the application process and understand the potential impact of new gTLDs on the global Internet landscape.

In addition to the new gTLD program, the workshop will introduce the Coalition for Digital Africa, highlighting its goals and initiatives aimed at fostering digital transformation and inclusion across the continent. Participants will gain insights into the coalition's strategic priorities, collaborative projects, and the ways in which they can get involved to support digital development in Africa.

The session will also cover emerging hot topics in internet governance and digital policy. Discussions will focus on current trends, challenges, and innovations that are shaping the future of the Internet. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with experts, share their perspectives, and collaboratively explore solutions to address these pressing issues.
avatar for Yaovi Atohoun

Yaovi Atohoun

Director Stakeholder Engagement & Operations for Africa, ICANN
Yaovi Atohoun is an electrical engineer with more than 30 years’ work experience in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). He has worked for the Association of African Universities (AAU) as Senior IT Officer from 2008 to 2012. He has coordinated many activities for the... Read More →
Thursday July 11, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
Room 2

09:00 UTC

Parliamentarian Focus Track
Thursday July 11, 2024 09:00 - 11:00 UTC
In alignment with the global efforts of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to enhance parliamentary engagement in internet governance discussions, the West African Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF) introduces the Parliamentary Track. This dedicated platform aims to bring parliamentarians together to address pressing issues related to the use, evolution, and governance of the internet and digital technologies in the West African region. Building upon the framework established by the IGF Parliamentary Track, WAIGF seeks to foster informed dialogue, collaboration, and policy development among parliamentarians to navigate both the challenges and opportunities presented by disruptive technologies.

The primary objective of the 2024 WAIGF Parliamentary Track is to strengthen the participation of parliamentarians in discussions on disruptive technologies and their impact on West African societies. It will provide a platform for parliamentary engagement, facilitating informed decision-making, policy development, and legislative action to address the evolving digital landscape in the region. This track will take place concurrently with the WAIGF from the 11th to the 12th of July 2024, gathering legislators, members of parliaments, and members of senates from across the 16 West African countries.

Key components of the WAIGF Parliamentary Track include sessions and workshops focused on sub-themes identified for this year's forum. These sessions will provide parliamentarians with opportunities to explore key issues, share best practices, and engage in interactive discussions with experts and other relevant stakeholders. Policy dialogues will enable parliamentarians to exchange ideas on topics such as digital connectivity, AI, emerging technologies for development, advancing the digital economy and e-governance, digital inclusion and innovation, and digital rights and online content. Additionally, WAIGF will collaborate with parliamentarians, the UN IGF Secretariat, and other stakeholders to expand partnerships and enhance the effectiveness of the Parliamentary Track. The insights and perspectives shared will be integrated into the proceedings of the annual African IGF (AfIGF) and UN IGF Parliamentary Track, scheduled for December 2024, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
avatar for Celine Bal

Celine Bal

Secretariat, UN Internet Governance Forum
avatar for Hon. Senator Shuaib Afolabi Salisu

Hon. Senator Shuaib Afolabi Salisu

Chairman of the Senate Committee on ICT & Cybersecurity, Nigeria
avatar for Hon. Alhajie Mbow

Hon. Alhajie Mbow

Member of Parliament, Gambia National Parliament
Hon. Alhagie Mbow is an elected Lawmaker in the Gambia National Parliament and currently serving his second term and is the vice chairperson on the Finance & Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) and the chairperson of the committee on Education, Training and ICT.  Hon. Mbow also represents... Read More →
Thursday July 11, 2024 09:00 - 11:00 UTC
Room 3

10:00 UTC

Internet Society Senegal’s Workshop on Internet Infrastructure Resilience in West Africa
Thursday July 11, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
The Internet Society Senegal’s Workshop on Internet Infrastructure Resilience in West Africa will provide an in-depth exploration of the region's internet resilience using the Internet Society Pulse project's approach. The workshop will introduce participants to key internet resilience indicators and methodologies for assessing them. By leveraging data and insights from the Internet Society Pulse project, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of internet infrastructure resilience in West Africa.

The session will also feature expert presentations and discussions on best practices for strengthening internet resilience in the region. Participants will learn about effective strategies and policy measures that can enhance the robustness, reliability, and security of internet infrastructure. Topics will include improving network diversity, increasing local content hosting, and bolstering cybersecurity measures to mitigate potential disruptions.

Interactive discussions will allow participants to share their experiences, challenges, and successes in enhancing internet resilience. The workshop aims to foster collaboration among stakeholders, including government representatives, ISPs, civil society, and the private sector, to develop actionable plans and initiatives that will fortify the region's internet infrastructure. By the end of the session, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to contribute to a more resilient and secure internet environment in West Africa.
avatar for Jean-Jacques Ntab

Jean-Jacques Ntab

President, Internet Society Senegal
avatar for Francis Alaneme

Francis Alaneme

Applications Support Officer, Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA)
Francis Alaneme is the Application Support Officer at the Nigeria Internet RegistrationAssociation (NiRA). With a dynamic and adaptable approach, Francis excels in full-stacksoftware development, cloud computing, DevOps procedures, network administration, and Linuxserver management... Read More →
avatar for Cedrick Adrien Mbeyet

Cedrick Adrien Mbeyet

Stakeholder Development Manager, AFRINIC
Working for the regional Internet registry covering the Africa region and Indian oceanIPv4 and IPv6, DNS, WHOIS, RDAP
avatar for Pr. Idrissa Sarr

Pr. Idrissa Sarr

Professeur, Université Cheikh Anta Diop
Pr.  Sarr est professeur titulaire à la Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de l’UCAD, spécialiste en BigData et Datascience.
Thursday July 11, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
Room 2

10:00 UTC

Meta Workshop & Discussion on Open AI
Thursday July 11, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 UTC

avatar for Olivia Tchamba

Olivia Tchamba

Public Policy Manager for Francophone Africa, Meta
Bio: Olivia Tchamba is Public Policy Manager for Francophone Africa at Meta. In her role, shecontributes in engaging with policymakers and policy influencers to shape Meta’s policy agenda andco-create an innovation-enabling environment across the region. Before joining Meta, sheworked... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Ololade Shyllon

Dr. Ololade Shyllon

Head of Privacy Policy, Africa, Middle East and Turkey, Meta
Ololade Shyllon heads privacy policy across Africa, the Middle East and Turkey (AMET) atMeta. In this role, she is responsible for working with external stakeholders includingpolicymakers, academics and civil society organisations across the AMET region, tocontinuously shape and inform... Read More →
Thursday July 11, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
Room 1

11:00 UTC

Tea Break
Thursday July 11, 2024 11:00 - 11:45 UTC
Thursday July 11, 2024 11:00 - 11:45 UTC

12:00 UTC

Opening Ceremony
Thursday July 11, 2024 12:00 - 12:45 UTC
avatar for Mary Uduma

Mary Uduma

Coordinator, WAIGF
avatar for Wisdom Donkor

Wisdom Donkor

Rep, IGF Support Association
avatar for Mr Sédiko Douka

Mr Sédiko Douka

ECOWAS Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalisation, ECOWAS Commission
avatar for M. Dahirou THIAM

M. Dahirou THIAM

General Director, The Telecommunications and Postal Regulatory Authority, Senegal
avatar for Chengetai Masago

Chengetai Masago

Head, UN Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum
avatar for H.E Ousmane Sonko

H.E Ousmane Sonko

Prime Minister, Republic of Senegal
Thursday July 11, 2024 12:00 - 12:45 UTC
Main Hall

12:45 UTC

Keynote by M. Ndiaye, UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence Member
Thursday July 11, 2024 12:45 - 13:00 UTC
Mr. Seydina M. Ndiaye, a distinguished member of the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence and a leading figure at Université numérique Cheikh Hamidou KANE (UN-CHK), will deliver the keynote address at the West Africa Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF) 2024. This keynote will delve into the central theme of the forum, “Disruptive Technologies: How Far Thus Far,” providing an expert analysis on the current impact of disruptive technologies and projections for the future in the West African context.

The keynote will explore how artificial intelligence, digital connectivity, and emerging technologies have shaped socio-economic development in the region. Mr. Ndiaye will share insights on the advancements and challenges faced by West Africa in integrating these technologies into various sectors, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and robust policy frameworks. The address aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities presented by disruptive technologies, as well as the necessary steps to harness their potential for sustainable development.

Looking ahead, Mr. Ndiaye will outline a vision for the future of digital policy in West Africa, highlighting the role of multi-stakeholder collaboration in navigating the digital landscape. He will discuss the importance of initiatives like the Coalition for Digital Africa and the need for continued investment in digital infrastructure and innovation. This keynote will set the stage for discussions on how West African countries can position themselves as leaders in the digital age, fostering an inclusive, resilient, and forward-thinking digital ecosystem.
avatar for Mr. Seydina M. Ndiaye

Mr. Seydina M. Ndiaye

UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence Member, Université numérique Cheikh Hamidou KANE (UN-CHK)
Seydina M. Ndiaye is a professor and researcher in Artificial Intelligence at the Virtual University of Senegal (UVS), where he also serves as the Director of Development and Cooperation. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning... Read More →
Thursday July 11, 2024 12:45 - 13:00 UTC
Main Hall

13:00 UTC

High-Level Panel: Disruptive Technologies in West Africa: How Far, Thus Far?
Thursday July 11, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 UTC
The high-level panel discussion at the West Africa Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF) 2024 will center on the main theme, “Disruptive Technologies: How Far Thus Far.” This session aims to delve into the transformative impact that disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have had on West Africa's socio-economic landscape. The panel will explore both the opportunities and challenges these technologies present, examining their role in driving innovation, economic growth, and digital inclusion across the region.

The discussion will also highlight the necessity for robust policy frameworks and strategic initiatives to harness the potential of disruptive technologies effectively. Panelists will share insights on how governments, private sector entities, and civil society can collaborate to create an enabling environment that fosters technological advancements while addressing concerns such as cybersecurity, privacy, and digital inequality. The conversation will draw on regional case studies and best practices to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state and future direction of technology-driven development in West Africa.

Moreover, the panel will emphasize the importance of stakeholder engagement in shaping the digital future of the region. It will discuss the role of various actors, including policymakers, technology experts, entrepreneurs, and the youth, in driving forward an inclusive and sustainable digital transformation. By fostering dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, the session aims to generate actionable recommendations that will inform regional and international digital policy frameworks, ensuring that West Africa remains a key player in the global digital economy.
avatar for Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma

Technical Adviser on Digital Cooperation, HealthAI
Nnenna advocates for policy and systemic changes that are needed for meaningful internet access, open data, open government and the open web across Africa, bringing together local and international stakeholders to advance the digital agenda. She works to drive affordable internet... Read More →
avatar for Mrs Marie Ahouantchede

Mrs Marie Ahouantchede

Digital Transformation Coordination, ECOWAS Commission
avatar for Hon. Senator Shuaib Afolabi Salisu

Hon. Senator Shuaib Afolabi Salisu

Chairman of the Senate Committee on ICT & Cybersecurity, Nigeria
avatar for Alioune Sall

Alioune Sall

Minister, Ministry of Communication, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy
Alioune Sall is the current Minister of Communication, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy in Senegal. With a background in engineering, Sall was educated in France, earning his degree from the École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci, where he specialized in computer... Read More →
avatar for Pierre Dandjinou

Pierre Dandjinou

Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement, ICANN Africa
Thursday July 11, 2024 13:00 - 14:00 UTC

14:00 UTC

Thursday July 11, 2024 14:00 - 15:00 UTC
Thursday July 11, 2024 14:00 - 15:00 UTC

15:00 UTC

Plenary Session 1: Global coordination and regional cooperation for the Global Digital Compact/Summit of the Future
Thursday July 11, 2024 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
Recognizing the transformative potential of digital technologies and the importance of global collaboration, the United Nations proposes a Global Digital Compact (GDC) to be agreed upon at the Summit of the Future in September 2024. The GDC aims to outline shared principles and actions for an open, free, secure, and human-centered digital future, supporting the UN Vision 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To ensure Africa’s perspective is incorporated, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has conducted regional consultations, resulting in the African Policy Declaration. This session will discuss the GDC drafts, negotiation successes, challenges, and critical questions, such as whether the current draft adequately addresses Africa’s needs and what is required to implement the GDC in African contexts post-Summit. The goal is to unify the African voice and establish a cohesive position for the GDC negotiations.
avatar for Poncelet Ileledji

Poncelet Ileledji

Lead CEO, Jokko Labs
Poncelet O. Ileleji is a Computer Scientist by Profession with + 25 years in the field; he has been involved with the use of ICT as a tool for sustainable development both as he is the Lead / CEO of Jokkolabs Banjul(www.jokkolabs.net), in The Gambia. He has also served as consultant for several projects in Africa covering ICT for D, Learning, Technologies and Education, Internet Governance and Health Informatics. He also ran the YMCA Computer Training Centre and Digital Studio from inception. He served also as... Read More →
avatar for Gbenga Sesan

Gbenga Sesan

Executive Director, Paradigm Initiative
‘Gbenga Sesan is the Executive Director of Paradigm Initiative, a pan-African social enterprise working on digital inclusion and digital rights through its offices in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe. He is also a Non-Resident Fellow at the Digital Civil Society... Read More →
avatar for Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma

Technical Adviser on Digital Cooperation, HealthAI
Nnenna advocates for policy and systemic changes that are needed for meaningful internet access, open data, open government and the open web across Africa, bringing together local and international stakeholders to advance the digital agenda. She works to drive affordable internet... Read More →
avatar for Lacina Koné

Lacina Koné

Director General, Smart africa
Mr. Lacina Kone, is the Director General/CEO of Smart Africa. Prior to that, Mr. Koné was the advisor to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (2017-2018), in charge of Digital Transformation and Public Reforms, and was also the advisor to the President from 2011-2017... Read More →
avatar for Hon. Alhajie Mbow

Hon. Alhajie Mbow

Member of Parliament, Gambia National Parliament
Hon. Alhagie Mbow is an elected Lawmaker in the Gambia National Parliament and currently serving his second term and is the vice chairperson on the Finance & Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) and the chairperson of the committee on Education, Training and ICT.  Hon. Mbow also represents... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Mactar Seck

Dr. Mactar Seck

Chief of section Innovation and Technology, UNECA
Dr. Mactar Seck has been involved in the telecommunication, ICT4D including Digital Id , Digital Trade and digital economy as well as in STI field over the last 20 years, specializing in areas such as digital policy strategy and regulatory framework, internet governance issues, digital... Read More →
avatar for Zanyiwe Asare

Zanyiwe Asare

Vice President and Head of Public Policy, Africa Region, Yango
Having worn several hats in the ICT policy regulation space, Zanyiwe is currently Yango’s Vice President and Head of Public Policy Africa Region. Her role includes driving strategic initiatives to navigate regulatory landscapes and spearhead comprehensive public policy strategies... Read More →
Thursday July 11, 2024 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
Main Hall

16:00 UTC

Pre-launch: Prix Pierre Ouedrago
Thursday July 11, 2024 16:00 - 16:30 UTC
Pre-launch: Prix Pierre Ouedrago
Thursday July 11, 2024 16:00 - 16:30 UTC
Main Hall

16:30 UTC

Paradigm Initiative’s Movie Screening & Conversation
Thursday July 11, 2024 16:30 - 17:00 UTC
Every year, Paradigm Initiative monitors the environment, documents violations, and reports on the state of digital rights and inclusion in Africa through the organisation’s report-Londa. The panel session serves as a platform to highlight the key findings of the report providing attendees with insights into the state of digital rights and inclusion across Africa. The session aims to catalyse action and collaboration towards building a more equitable and rights-respecting digital ecosystem on the continent. Owing to the large volume of the reports, Paradigm Initiative has for four years in a row now produced short films drawn from the Londa reports. The fourth and most recent film, Undersight, follows the journey of Omar, a brilliant computer programmer who creates a revolutionary data collation software, which is in high demand.
The session will also host a discussion highlighting the impact of using storytelling to advocate for, and increase awareness of digital rights and inclusion. During the session, PIN will also screen the short film and open discussions/feedback from the audience on the themes presented in the film.
avatar for Judith Ogutu

Judith Ogutu

Communications Manager, Paradigm Initiative
Judith is a strategic communications professional with experience in the corporate, public,government and non-profit sectors. She has handled communication projects in fields such asbanking, innovation and technology, digital rights and inclusion, energy, medical/health,pharmaceutical... Read More →
avatar for Giyo Ndzi

Giyo Ndzi

Communication Officer, Paradigm Initiative
Giyo is a journalist, writer and Comms enthusiast. His work experience includes years of servicewith print and online media and in the public service. He has worked in Cameroon’s Englishlanguage daily, where he rose to the ranks of Desk Editor before moving on, and the YaoundeCity... Read More →
avatar for Adesuyi Ajibade

Adesuyi Ajibade

Senior Manager, Finance and Administration, Paradigm Initiative
Adesuyi is a focused, matured and experienced chartered accountant with over 12 years ofrelevance in the field. His experience cuts across various industries which include manufacturing,pharmaceutical, advertising, construction, non-profit organisations and the hospitality industry.He... Read More →
Thursday July 11, 2024 16:30 - 17:00 UTC
Main Hall

19:00 UTC

Welcoming Dinner of Host Country
Thursday July 11, 2024 19:00 - 21:00 UTC
Thursday July 11, 2024 19:00 - 21:00 UTC
Main Hall
Friday, July 12

08:00 UTC

Embedding human rights considerations within technical infrastructure and governance
Friday July 12, 2024 08:00 - 09:00 UTC
This session is designed to bridge the gap between internet infrastructure, technical standards, and human rights, with a specific focus on West Africa. It will cover the essential aspects of internet infrastructure and its impact on human rights, offering participants a comprehensive overview of the landscape of technical standards. The session will address the existing barriers that prevent individuals and civil society organizations from the region from participating in the development of these standards. By providing foundational knowledge and practical insights, the session aims to empower participants to engage actively in technical standardization processes, thereby ensuring that internet development incorporates human rights considerations.
avatar for Don Le

Don Le

Digital Programme Coordination Officer, Article 19
avatar for Dinah van de Geest

Dinah van de Geest

Digital Programme Operations Manager, Article 19
Friday July 12, 2024 08:00 - 09:00 UTC
Room 1

08:00 UTC

Parliamentarian Focus Track
Friday July 12, 2024 08:00 - 10:00 UTC
In alignment with the global efforts of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to enhance parliamentary engagement in internet governance discussions, the West African Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF) introduces the Parliamentary Track. This dedicated platform aims to bring parliamentarians together to address pressing issues related to the use, evolution, and governance of the internet and digital technologies in the West African region. Building upon the framework established by the IGF Parliamentary Track, WAIGF seeks to foster informed dialogue, collaboration, and policy development among parliamentarians to navigate both the challenges and opportunities presented by disruptive technologies.

The primary objective of the 2024 WAIGF Parliamentary Track is to strengthen the participation of parliamentarians in discussions on disruptive technologies and their impact on West African societies. It will provide a platform for parliamentary engagement, facilitating informed decision-making, policy development, and legislative action to address the evolving digital landscape in the region. This track will take place concurrently with the WAIGF from the 11th to the 12th of July 2024, gathering legislators, members of parliaments, and members of senates from across the 16 West African countries.

Key components of the WAIGF Parliamentary Track include sessions and workshops focused on sub-themes identified for this year's forum. These sessions will provide parliamentarians with opportunities to explore key issues, share best practices, and engage in interactive discussions with experts and other relevant stakeholders. Policy dialogues will enable parliamentarians to exchange ideas on topics such as digital connectivity, AI, emerging technologies for development, advancing the digital economy and e-governance, digital inclusion and innovation, and digital rights and online content. Additionally, WAIGF will collaborate with parliamentarians, the UN IGF Secretariat, and other stakeholders to expand partnerships and enhance the effectiveness of the Parliamentary Track. The insights and perspectives shared will be integrated into the proceedings of the annual African IGF (AfIGF) and UN IGF Parliamentary Track, scheduled for December 2024, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
avatar for Celine Bal

Celine Bal

Secretariat, UN Internet Governance Forum
avatar for Hon. Senator Shuaib Afolabi Salisu

Hon. Senator Shuaib Afolabi Salisu

Chairman of the Senate Committee on ICT & Cybersecurity, Nigeria
avatar for Hon. Alhajie Mbow

Hon. Alhajie Mbow

Member of Parliament, Gambia National Parliament
Hon. Alhagie Mbow is an elected Lawmaker in the Gambia National Parliament and currently serving his second term and is the vice chairperson on the Finance & Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) and the chairperson of the committee on Education, Training and ICT.  Hon. Mbow also represents... Read More →
Friday July 12, 2024 08:00 - 10:00 UTC
Room 3

09:00 UTC

Child Online Safety in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Friday July 12, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
Child online safety is a critical aspect of internet governance, especially in regions like West Africa, where internet penetration is rapidly increasing. As more children gain access to the internet, the need for robust online safety measures becomes imperative. This session will explore the intersection of child online safety and the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). With children spending more time online, the potential for both positive and negative impacts increases. AI technologies offer new ways to protect children but also introduce new risks. This session will bring together experts from various fields to discuss strategies, tools, policies, and ethical considerations to ensure children's safety in the digital age.

The objectives of the session are to examine how AI is currently being used to protect children online, including content filtering, behavior monitoring, and threat detection, and to discuss the risks AI poses to child online safety, such as data privacy concerns, exposure to inappropriate content, and potential for misuse. Additionally, the session will review existing policies and regulations related to child online safety and AI, identifying gaps and areas for improvement. It will also delve into the ethical implications of using AI in online safety, focusing on issues such as consent, data security, and transparency, and suggest practical solutions and recommendations for leveraging AI to enhance child online safety while mitigating associated risks.

The expected outcomes for the session are increased awareness of the benefits and risks of AI in child online safety, identification of best practices and strategies for integrating AI in online safety measures, and the development of actionable policy recommendations to enhance child online safety. Moreover, the session aims to foster collaboration among stakeholders to create a safer online environment for children. Through these discussions, the session hopes to contribute to a more secure digital space for young users, ensuring that they can benefit from the opportunities of the internet while being safeguarded against its dangers.
avatar for Tope Ogundipe

Tope Ogundipe

TechSocietal Consulting, Founder/Director
Tope is the Founder/Director at TechSocietal Consulting, a social enterprise specialising in technology policy and programme management for social good. TechSocietal engages with technology and digital policies, programmes and products to promote human rights, freedoms, and gender... Read More →
avatar for Francis Amaning

Francis Amaning

Systems Administrator, Ghana Domain Name Registry
Francis is an IT professional with certification from IBM, Huawei, ITU-IMPART, JPCERT/CC. He has extensive knowledge in computer programming such as VB, C#, CORE JAVA, J2EE, CMS (drupal, wordpress, joomla) and database like Oracle, MySQL and postgresql.He has worked as a freelance... Read More →
avatar for Ihueze Nwobilor

Ihueze Nwobilor

Senior Program Officer, Paradigm Initiative
Ihueze is a Senior Program Officer at Paradigm Initiative, leading Paradigm Initiative’s Digital Inclusion programs while working on digital rights advocacy projects. His career in Development Practice spans Twelve years, with cognate experience working with reputable national and... Read More →
avatar for Judith Ogutu

Judith Ogutu

Communications Manager, Paradigm Initiative
Judith is a strategic communications professional with experience in the corporate, public,government and non-profit sectors. She has handled communication projects in fields such asbanking, innovation and technology, digital rights and inclusion, energy, medical/health,pharmaceutical... Read More →
Friday July 12, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
Room 2

09:00 UTC

Internet Universality 2.0 - UNESCO
Friday July 12, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
Revising Internet Universality Indicators for Enhanced Internet Governance

Friday July 12, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
Room 1

10:00 UTC

Plenary Session 2: Digital Connectivity, AI & Emerging Technologies for Development
Friday July 12, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
In West Africa, urban areas enjoy better internet access than rural and underserved urban poor communities. According to the ITU, less than two out of five rural residents have internet access, compared to nearly double that in urban areas. This rural-urban digital divide exacerbates economic disparities and hinders development. Despite the recognized benefits of digital connectivity for sectors like education, healthcare, and agriculture, significant gaps remain in national policies and infrastructure to support rural and underserved communities. Barriers include the high cost of mobile data and internet-capable devices, especially in low-income areas. The session will explore opportunities for regional alignment on clean energy sources, the adoption of community networks, and strategies for governments to enhance broadband and connectivity policies. Expected outcomes include identifying critical gaps, funding needs, and data requirements to improve internet penetration in rural and underserved areas.
avatar for Dr. Pape Gueye

Dr. Pape Gueye

Director General, National Regional Cybersecurity School (ENVR)
avatar for Mr. Isidore DIOUF

Mr. Isidore DIOUF

Directeur Général, Société Sénégal numérique S.A. (SENUM SA)
avatar for Houégnon Geoffroy BONOU

Houégnon Geoffroy BONOU

Conseiller Technique au Suivi des Projets et Réformes (CTSPR), Ministry of Digital Transformation of Benin
avatar for Deon Woods Bell

Deon Woods Bell

Senior Advisor, Global Policy and Advocacy, Gates Foundation
Deon Woods Bell is a Senior Advisor for Global Policy at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, working on the Financial Services for the Poor team. In this role, she leads digital financial services policy and advocacy efforts with multilateral institutions such as the United Nations... Read More →
avatar for Thys Kazad

Thys Kazad

Meta Public Policy Manager for Francophone Africa, META
Thys Kazad is currently in charge of Meta Public Policy Manager for Francophone Africa, andConnectivity Public Policy Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to Meta.Before Meta, Thys was Regulatory Director at Tigo DRC, Regulatory Director at Zantel Tanzania,Senior Executive Head of... Read More →
avatar for Emmanuel Olu-Festus

Emmanuel Olu-Festus

Legal & Data Protection Officer, Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA)
Emmanuel Olu-Festus is a seasoned Legal Practitioner, Company Secretary, and DataProtection & Privacy Expert. His diverse legal career spans various organizations and roles,including Associate Counsel, Legal Officer, Company Lawyer, Company Secretary, and DataProtection Officer, showcasing... Read More →
avatar for Mr. Talla Ndiaye

Mr. Talla Ndiaye

Director, Just Transformation Program
Friday July 12, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
Main Hall

11:00 UTC

Tea Break
Friday July 12, 2024 11:00 - 11:30 UTC
Friday July 12, 2024 11:00 - 11:30 UTC

11:30 UTC

Plenary Session 3: Advancing Digital Economy & E-Governance
Friday July 12, 2024 11:30 - 12:30 UTC
With the rapid integration of ICT across sectors, ECOWAS countries are experiencing significant digital transformations. The digital economy is a major GDP driver, potentially contributing up to 6% by 2025. For instance, Nigeria’s ICT sector accounted for 15.5% of its GDP in Q2 2021. Digital financial services have boosted financial inclusion, with over 60 million people using mobile money services in 2021. E-commerce is revolutionizing retail, and digital health solutions are improving healthcare access. E-Government initiatives, such as Ghana’s GIFMIS and Nigeria’s electronic tax filing system, are enhancing efficiency and transparency in public services. Despite these advances, challenges like underdeveloped digital infrastructure and limited internet connectivity persist. The 2024 WAIGF, themed “Disruptive Technologies: How Far, Thus Far?” aims to address these issues by bringing together stakeholders to develop strategies for advancing the digital economy and e-governance in West Africa. The main objective is to promote sustainable development, economic growth, and improved governance in the region.
Moderators Speakers
avatar for Mme Aïssatou Jeanne NDIAYE

Mme Aïssatou Jeanne NDIAYE

Directrice TIC, Ministère de la Communication, des Télécommunications et du Numérique
avatar for Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide

Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide

Committee on ICT and Cybersecurity, House of Representatives, Nigeria
avatar for Samba SENE

Samba SENE

Coordinator, Senegal Digital Economy Acceleration Project (PAENS)
Friday July 12, 2024 11:30 - 12:30 UTC
Main Hall

12:30 UTC

Plenary Session 4 : Digital Inclusion & Innovation
Friday July 12, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 UTC
West Africa, with a youthful population and significant urban-rural digital divide, faces challenges in digital inclusion and access. During the COVID-19 pandemic, limited internet access profoundly impacted education and socio-economic activities, highlighting the need for robust digital infrastructure. According to the World Bank, less than one-third of Africans have broadband internet, with an investment of $100 billion needed to achieve universal access by 2030. Despite these challenges, the region has made strides in adopting disruptive technologies like mobile banking and e-commerce. The 2024 WAIGF will focus on “Disruptive Technologies: How Far, Thus Far?” with a sub-theme on “Digital Inclusion & Innovation in West Africa.” The forum aims to explore progress, challenges, and future opportunities in leveraging technology for socio-economic development. Key discussions will address the digital divide, regulatory frameworks, public-private partnerships, and the potential of emerging technologies to tackle regional challenges. The forum seeks to develop actionable strategies to ensure digital transformation benefits all in West Africa.
avatar for Kossi AMESSINOU


Enseignant Collaborateur extérieur, Institut de Formation et de Recherche en Informatique
Biographie de Dr AMESSINOU KossiAMESSINOU Kossi est agent de l’Etat béninois depuis le 1er janvier 2008. Il travaille depuis juin 2021 au Ministère de l’économie et des finances du Bénin en qualité de Chef Division Banque mondiale et FMI. Il est aussi le Directeur Régional... Read More →
Friday July 12, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 UTC
Main Hall

13:00 UTC

Friday July 12, 2024 13:00 - 14:30 UTC
Friday July 12, 2024 13:00 - 14:30 UTC

14:30 UTC

Closing Ceremony
Friday July 12, 2024 14:30 - 15:30 UTC
avatar for Emmanuel Vitus

Emmanuel Vitus

Tech Policy Researcher, Coordinator of the West Africa School on Internet Governance, University of Malta
Internet Governance Expert & Digital Policy Diplomat with over 12 years’ experience working to advance Internet development, progressive internet policies and amplifying the voices of digital policymakers & diplomats in sub-Saharan Africa. Expertise: Internet Governance, digital... Read More →
avatar for Celine Bal

Celine Bal

Secretariat, UN Internet Governance Forum
avatar for Hon. Senator Shuaib Afolabi Salisu

Hon. Senator Shuaib Afolabi Salisu

Chairman of the Senate Committee on ICT & Cybersecurity, Nigeria
avatar for Alioune Sall

Alioune Sall

Minister, Ministry of Communication, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy
Alioune Sall is the current Minister of Communication, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy in Senegal. With a background in engineering, Sall was educated in France, earning his degree from the École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci, where he specialized in computer... Read More →
avatar for Mary Uduma

Mary Uduma

Coordinator, WAIGF
avatar for M. Dahirou THIAM

M. Dahirou THIAM

General Director, The Telecommunications and Postal Regulatory Authority, Senegal
Friday July 12, 2024 14:30 - 15:30 UTC
Main Hall
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West Africa Internet Governance Forum 2024
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